We presently do not have any puppies for sale, but we are expecting a litter in February 2025. This litter will be from Merci and Reuben. They have the potential to produce all four colors (Black Tri, Red Tri, Red Merle, Blue Merle) and the puppies will be ready for their new homes in early April. If you have any questions, please click the link below to contact us.
Charlie is an 8 year old male, looking for a new home. Charlie was born here, at Dobson Dogs, and has lived with Lacie and her family for the last 8 years. Lacie and her family are no longer able to keep him so he is looking for a new home (preferably with no children). If you are interested, please click on Charlie's photo to email me (dobsondogs@yahoo.com). I can put you in touch with his owner.